All Gas Products

Powerful Solutions

At CGI Gases, we understand how our products enable customers to solve important problems. From enabling efficiency to discovering new processes, our gases are low-cost, high-quality options backed with the assurance of one of the industry’s most experienced leaders. CGI Gases manufactures and distributes a range of gas products to serve businesses across many industries. Our commitment to quality, safety, reliability, and outstanding customer service is inherent across our product lines. As a long-standing, third-generation energy company, CGI Gases partners with customers on environmental performance goals, product innovation, process improvement, and operational efficiencies.

CGI Gas manufactures and delivers a wide range of gas products

Rare & Specialty Gases

Specialty gases are often referred to as calibration gases, zero grade gases, carrier gases, span gases, analytical/instrumentation gases, and bump test gases. Specialty gases may be either pure gases or gas mixtures containing components at concentrations extending from the percent range down to part per billion or even part per trillion.

CGI Gases is a trusted supplier of specialty gases, and we understand the complex and exacting nature of meeting purity and precision standards within the specialty gases category. Our gases are used in a variety of applications, including direct read analysers, gas chromatographs, high-performance chromatography, and threshold monitors.

The rare and specialty gases available from CGI Gases (in gas cylinders and liquid containers) include:

Zero Grade Air           
Nitrous Oxide 
Ultra-High Pure (UHP) Helium
Ultra-High Pure (UHP) Argon
Zero Grade Hydrogen

CGI Gases